Miami Dade College's provision of comprehensive wrap-around support for our student parents is greatly bolstered by the invaluable assistance of our dedicated community partners. We extend our sincere gratitude for their unwavering support and collaboration. Explore our list of community partners and the diverse array of services they offer below.
Our Community Partners
Does your organization have free services to offer student parents? Reach out to partner with us! sriveras@mdc.edu
Community Resources
Free Community Resources
- Enter your zip code to find free services: https://www.findhelp.org/
Other Free Services
- Project Upstart: for parents experiencing housing insecurity (with children in K-12 at an MDCPS school): 305-995-7558
- Farmworker Career Development Program: 305-245-5865 Coalition of Florida farmworkers Organizations: 305-246-0357
- Housing Advocacy Hotline: 786-469-4545